Sunday, November 29, 2009

Paper casting

Mary Gilmour, a well know local paper artist invited Marion and me to spend the day with her friend Toni, learning to cast paper. Instead of using collected natural fibres from the local area, we cut and soaked mat board off cuts. These were whizzed up in Mary's blender to form very fine white fibres. The paper we pulled was VERY thick! This was pressed before we pushed it onto tree stumps and tree trunks.

We have yet to do something with the outcomes of our day. But I have attached some photos of us making the castings.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fashion Parade at the Exhibition (EFTAG)

My friend, Lorraine, very kindly modeled the Nuno-felted Dolman-sleeved jacket made for the fashion parade. Photos taken at the exhibition did not take very well. The nuno-felt was made before cutting out to form the jacket. 6 metres of tissue silk was used in it's construction. Natural coloured, Corriedale fleece, was the main wool applied over the tissue silk, with highlights of dyed merino, added later. Lorraine said it felt as light as a feather and would be extemely warm in winter.

Pots and Pods workshop

Recently the fibre textile group that I belong to had a workshop with Liz Evans as the visiting artist. She taught us to make felted pots and pods. I have attached some photos of the finished products. I hope you like them!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Here are two items hanging in the exhibition. The piece that I entered into the Fashion Parade were fuzzy and blurred so I have had to delete them. I will ask one of my friends to model it and then place photos of it on the Blog

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

More photos of entries to the Eurobodalla Fibre textile Artists' Group Exhibition

Eurobodalla Fibre Textile Artist Group Exhibition

I have been working out of my comfort zone to create some items for this show. The title of the exhibition is "au Naturel". This to honour International Year of natural fibres. So I have had to use natural fibres rather than my normal man-made fibres. This is the result