A long and very uncomfortable flight from San Francisco to El Savadore. A stop in LA before embarking for El Salvador at midnight, arriving at 6.00am - no sleep!
A tour of San Salvadore happened after we had checked into the hotel Sal y Luz and had had breakfast. It feels very safe here. The people are happy and seem to have purpose.
The area is very earthquake prone and a huge amount of damage remains from the last serious quake. Renovations are also happening everywhere. There are different sectors of the city, from very oppulent and expensive suburbs to very poor buerros.
The city centre revolves around a central plaza with two amazing churches, one looks like a bunker from the outside, but inside is a tribute to the arts and local artists.
A trip to the vocano Boccaque (sp?) was lovely - cool and up through a cloud forest.
How is the Spanish going? Not brilliantly, we are hoping this is due to the lack of sleep! Our guide, Benjamin is very kind, speaks perfect English and is helping us with pronunciation and some colloquial expressions. This morning in the hotel, we managed much better and were mostly understood.