Wednesday, October 20, 2010

India Flint workshop

Recently went to an India Flint workshop at Beautiful Silks in Fitzroy, Melbourne. It was a revelation! I am now experimenting with a friend using eco-dyeing techniques. We are having a wonderful time. Haven't been able to achieve any consistency yet with the colours but am working hard to achieve this!


  1. Lucky you, I nearly got to one but family stuff intervened.

  2. India is a wonderful teacher. I was luck enough to go when the friend who I now play at eco-dyeing with, wasn't able to go. I took her place in the class when her husband was unwell.

    India's book is great too and very good for reference material. Currently we are experimenting with local species growing around the south coast. Today we measured the ph of the water in our rain water tanks to find that it is extremely alkaline ie ph 10!! No wonder our results are not consistent. We thought the rain water was more pure than the town water - WRONG!!!!!! And we were randomly using town water interspersed with rain water!
