Ray was really determined to go to Cape Melville. And having never been there before, we decided to go as well. We made a booking Kalpower Crossing for the night and several nights at Cape Melville. This was made possible by the self-serve booth at Lakeside Ranger Base.

The camsite is just beside the Normamby River, very tranquil and delightful with flushing toilets and cold water showers. You are allowed campfires as well!

Crocodiles are very active in the area and they live on either side of the wet water crossing at Kalpower.
Only 25 people are allowed into Cape Melville at a time. It is considered avery remote camping area and extensive recovery equipment is required.
The road is very difficult in places and we had to dig the car out twice. Ray got soo bogged that he had to winch out several times! He kept blaming his car and not the weight of the camper pulling his car into the sand.

It took 4 hours of driving from Kakooka to our campsite, a distance of 43 klms! We eventually arrived at Crocodile Camp to find a pristine and magnificent beach with wonderful fishing.

It became very hot during the day, so we were forced to seek shelter wherever it was possible.

Fishing beside the billabong meant keeping an eagle eye out for the resident crocodile!
Leaving Cape Melville was cobsiderably easier than going we didn't need to wait for Ray and Annette and we knew the road a little better, so only had to dig ourselves out once. The return journey was 2 and 1/2 hours for the same distance.
Another overnight stop at Kalpower, where a billy of hot water was prepared for a much needed hot shower!!