Having never really stayed in the Atherton tableland before, we decided to visit the crater lakes and stay in Danbulla National Park.
Mum has always talked about the terrapins on the Atherton Tableland. Interesting the the Visitor Information Centre knew nothing about them and neither did any other locals!
We drove through the two national parks of Barrine and Danbulla, to visit Eicham Crater Lake and Lake Barrine, another crater lake. Both beautiful, but not a terrapin or turtle to be seen. Did we miss the right lake to visit?

Our drive took us around Lake Tinaroo, where we had booked National,Park campsite at Platypus Point. We had campsite number 9, right on the water. It was a great campsite with bush on one side and very large.
It was that night that Peter discovered that the wire part of his temporary plate was missing. As he had had it in all day, we could only assume that he had swallowed it! What to do?
And then off to Cairnes to see a dental prothetist. Booked for 11.00 am next day and plate was fixed by 3:00pm. Amazing!