Sunday, September 15, 2013

Adels Grove

The young man in the tourist information centre in Normanton was delightfully helpful when we asked him if he would be able to book us a couple of nights at Lawn Hill NP camping area. He let us use the local computers, which resulted in the QNP booking system failing again! So the he let us use his phone to make the booking.
This is the replica of the biggest crocodile ever caught!

Our journey to the Lawn Hill area, took us through ome of the driest and most desolate countryside we have seen. The monsoon rains didn't occur in this part of Australia this year and so everything is parched.

Suddenly out of this aridness you get to Adels Grove......

where we stayed for the night. Very shady in the grove itself, but also crowded and we were bitten alive!

The Grove was planted by a botanist, Albert de Lestang (hence the name - taken from his initials) who planted thousands of species of exotic and native trees. From these he collected the seed which was sent to places all around the world. In the early 1950's a fire destroyed the grove, whilst Albert was away. So only remants now remain in what has become a very popular tourist destination.

The above photos were taken from our campsite.


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