Thursday, September 5, 2013

Morton Telegraph Station

We needed to vote, so we had found out from the post office in Bamaga, that there was a mobile polling station moving between the four township areas. So on Thursday morning, we pulled into New Mapoon, a small town just north of Bamaga to do an absentee vote. We had thought that this would be a very arduous undertaking, but to our very great surprise the AEC official had ballot papers at the ready for both Eden-Monaro (for Peter and I) and for Frazer (for Don!)
Crossing the Jardine River

The local aboriginal council charges $129.00 per vehicle (both ways) to cross this river! As you can see, it takes approximately 30secs to cross!! But - there is no other way of getting to the other side!!!

A hard day's drive from Seisia to Morton Telegraph Station. The road south of the Jardine ferry had disintegrated even more than on our journey up north! So the corregations were extreme. The graders had only just graded two to three kilometers beyond Bramwell Junction. So travel speeds were reduced significantly. For most of it we were unable to travel at more than 40klms per hour. The driving also required vehicles to travel on the gutter sections to try to avoid the worst of the ruts.

Some twenty klms past the Jardine Ferry, we came upon a very recent vehicle accident. A French couple driving south had rolled the Landcruiser. And it as now facing the wrong direction with its roof caved in! We stopped to offer assistance. A young Australan couple had already stopped and had flagged down one of the tour buses to get RACQ help. Both young French people were bruised and shaken, but otherwise ok. We suspect speed, lack of driving on gravel and little steering control, may have been the causes.

Very tired and sore when we arrived at Morton Telegraph Station!

Here is our campsite for the night!
Morton Telegraph Station, is named after the old telegraph route and is a stion, as in ranch, not a telecommunications centre!!

Very tranquil and serene. Lovely shady mango trees, green watered grass, situated beside a beautiful river. In the rainy season, a caretaker couple stay in the homestead, completely surrounded by water for about three months. Supplies are air lifted into them!


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