We arrived at Hotel Mision del Angeles, Concepcion de Ataco after dark. We were the only guests!
An early morning start revealed that the beautifuk grounds around the hotel were full of birds and a beautifuk view of the valley and nearby mountains from our balcony.

A trip to the UNESCO World heritage area of Joya de Ceren was very interesting. This site is one of the very few Mayan peasant villages preserved by the ashes of a nearby exploding volcano. It was accidently discovered by a grader operator flattening the area to make way for silos. Fortunately for the world, he stopped when his grader blade hit something. Archeologists were brought in to examine the hard lump! And discovered this Mayan village in perfect condition.

We travelled on the famous Pan Pacific Highway and then Ruta de las Flores on our way to a beautiful lake, Coatepeque, where the very rich Salvadorian families own holiday houses. The weather was fine until we reached the National Park of Volcan Santo Ana O Ilamatepec, when the heavens opened. Peter was wise and stayed in the shelter chatting to locals whilst Sue and Benjamin, the guide, walked through the forest in torrential rain.
Dinner was taken at a small local papusaria, the famous El Salvadorian snack, delicious!

looks wonderful. Cill and I are off today to Germany and then in 8 days to Crete. Looking forward to see some more of your adventures. Hope Pete's knees hang in for the journey. Love Bro (young one)