Sunday, October 22, 2017

San Salvador

Peter and I felt very sad to be leaving Belize. It is a beautiful country with remarkable people, all friendly and cheerful.
Our plane in Belize City was on time and we arrived in San Salvador for our transit to Niguragua. We board the plane and waited and waited. Then we were told there was a problem because the pilot hadn't been able to get there in time. So we waited some more. Eventually we were told that the plane wouldn't be going at all! Avian was going to put us up for the night in San Salvador in the Sheraton. This caused a great deal of consternation amingst the passengers, many of whom had travelled from overseas countries or had business appointments the next morning.
For us it meant that the driver and hotel that we had already booked would not know that we weren't going to be there. Of course my phone was not working, so eventually after much insistence, Avian phoned the hotel, to let them know that we wouldn't be there until the next day. Once we arrived at the Sheraton, I let Audleys in London know so that they could make contact with the ground staff in Nicuragua, namely the guide/driver.

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